srsly read below before entering. thx.

  • Read the brief. Like really read it and digest it.

  • Dream up an award-winning idea that answers said brief. ONE idea per submission. Additional ideas = additional submissions.

  • Do NOT put your name or any information about you on your actual submission / work. You will be disqualified if so. Keeping this shit anonymous is important.

  • One or two members per team max.

  • Upload your work on a website or hosting service like Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive (or any URL that makes it easy for the judge), and have the link ready before submitting.

  • Select your category: student or professional. Be sure to read which category you're eligible for in our FAQ section. And please do not lie, thx again.

  • After you pay the entry fee below, you will be automatically redirected to a form to enter your work.

  • Email with any questions. Good luck. Plz read the FAQ page before emailing, your question is most likely answered on there.

Please enter one entry at a time.