srsly read below before entering. thx.
Read the brief. Like really read it and digest it.
Dream up an award-winning idea that answers said brief. ONE idea per submission. Additional ideas = additional submissions.
Do NOT put your name or any information about you on your actual submission / work. You will be disqualified if so. Keeping this shit anonymous is important.
One or two members per team max.
Upload your work on a website or hosting service like Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive (or any URL that makes it easy for the judge), and have the link ready before submitting.
Select your category: student or professional. Be sure to read which category you're eligible for in our FAQ section. And please do not lie, thx again.
After you pay the entry fee below, you will be automatically redirected to a form to enter your work.
Email with any questions. Good luck. Plz read the FAQ page before emailing, your question is most likely answered on there.
Please enter one entry at a time.
Student Entry (Solo)
Student Entry (Duo)
Professional Entry (Solo)
Professional Entry (Duo)